Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet

Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet

 Background to eating a healthy balanced diet
 Modern life has become so fast paced that few, if any have any time to stop and think about the effect modern day life has on the body. Under these circumstances, eating a healthy balanced diet seems to have been relegated to the attic for storage to be dusted off and removed only when we become sick and the doctors warn us that unless we start eating a healthy balanced diet in earnest, our body is doomed.
 Why a healthy balanced diet is important
 There is no mystery to eating a healthy balanced diet; in fact, it is so easy that once we are on it, we wonder what made us ignore something so important and imminently achievable. Because there is no option on good health, a nutritionally balanced diet is something every person should have, irrespective of how busy their lives might be. Eating a healthy balanced diet which essentially means a wholesome nutrition balanced diet makes our body and mind fit and strong and gives us the power and energy to fulfill our career objectives. So ironic as it might sound, eating a healthy balanced diet will actually help you immensely in this fast paced world.
 Reaction to health degraded by modern life styles
Modern hectic pace of life has led to poor health. As the health deteriorates, instead of eating a healthy balanced diet, people tend to either take “revitalize your life” pills, or pay handsomely to go on a detox holiday or opt for a equally exotic “guaranteed” diet plan. We tell you, the only guarantee such plans can give is to take your health south. Initially you might see a dramatic drop in your weight etc. but the long term effects of such exotic diet plans spells ruin because these plans are the opposite of a healthy balanced diet.
 We take the mystery out of a eating a healthy balanced diet
The food we eat is grouped into four broad based groups commonly known as the healthy food chart (see our article on food chart). Our body requires certain foods from each of these food groups. All such required foods from each food group taken together in the recommended quantities constitute a healthy balanced diet.
 The food groups are:
• Fruits
• Vegetables
• Cereals and Pulses
• Dairy
• Poultry, Fish and Meat products
When we consume the foods that are recommended from each of these food groups in the quantities they are recommended (see our article on food chart), then our body receives all the essential minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. While the recommended quantities are based on a healthy active male adult, the actual serving sizes would vary depending upon factors such as activity level, age, height and gender.

Eating a healthy balanced diet makes our body and mind fit and strong and gives us the power and energy to fulfill our career objectives. So in essence, eating a healthy balanced diet will actually help you cope in this fast paced world.

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